Stamps by countries | Africa | Guinea-Bissau | 2010
Lascaux Cave, France, 15000-10000 AC (miniature sheet and souvenir sheet in set). Miniature Sheet (4 stamps)

Stamp: Lascaux Cave, France, 15000-10000 AC
Edition type: commemorative stamp
Denomination: 900 Fr
Date of issue: 2010 Aug. 10
Depiction: Cave Painting - Steppe wisent and man, 4th stamp in the sheet
Colour: multicolored
Paper: chalk-surfaced
Perforation: comb. 12,75:13,5
Printing process: offset
Size of a stamp (mm): 50×36
Size of a sheet (mm): 124×96
Sheet composition: 4 (2×2) stamps
Printing run:
Stamp issuing authority:
Printer: Stamperija
On other 3 stamps at 900 Fr of the miniature sheet are cave painting in Lascaux Cave, France.
"Bison and man". Cave painting in the chamber called the Pit, Lascaux Cave, France, circa 18600 AC is presumably.
Themes: Steppe Wisent (Bison priscus), Cave Art
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