Stamps by countries | Africa | Burundi | 2013
Prehistoric Humans and Rock Art (miniature sheet and souvenir sheets in set). Miniture sheet (4 stamps).

Stamp: Homo neanderthalensis
Denomination: 1180 Fr
Date of issue: 2013 Aug. 20
Depiction: The neanderthal man and the prehistoric artist drawing a bison and a horse; 2nd stamp in the sheet
Colour: multicolored
Paper: chalk-surfaced
Perforation: frame 13,25:13,5 or imperf.
Printing process: offset
Size of a stamp (mm): 45×35
Size of a sheet (mm): 112×95
Sheet composition: 4 (2×2) stamps
Printing run:
Stamp issuing authority: Regie Nationale des Postes Burundi
Printer: Stamperija
  Special cancellation (ink - black) and art envelope were used in first day of issue.

On other stamps of the miniature sheet:

1020 Fr - Homo erectus, Hunting of rhinoceros;
3000 Fr - Homo neanderthalensis;
3000 Fr - Homo floresiensis, Hunting of mammoth.

Themes: Steppe Wisent (Bison priscus), Cave Art, Prehistoric Humans
   2009 -